“Crazy” Borderlands 3 concept scared Gearbox Software

By Dave Cook

Borderlands 3 has apparently triggered some big and crazy concepts over at developer Gearbox Software. CEO Randy Pitchford hasn’t confirmed that the game exists, but he has stated that thinking about that grand concept has left the studio feeling scared.


It follows the reveal of Gearbox’s very own MOBA. It seems like everyone is intent on boarding that train until it derails itself from the sheer weight bearing down on its crumpled axles.

Speaking within the pages of GameInformer, Pitchford said, “There’s a point where it’s like, ‘What should the next Borderlands be? Should there be another Borderlands, and what should it be?’

“We had that discussion and there was this weird mixed bag. On one level it’s like, ‘Woah’. If you’re going to do something that’s called Borderlands 3 and it’s going to be done in this next-generation environment, there’s a whole bunch of ideas that come around of what has to happen in order for that to live up to what that needs to be.”

Pitchford added that 2K Australia’s hand in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has coerced Gearbox into thinking differently about what Borderlands 3 might look like, and naturally Game Informer politely reminded its readers that these quotes in no way confirm development of Borderlands 3.

He said that if Borderlands 3 could eventually be a thing, “We imagine what that might be, and frankly it scared us. It’s like, ‘That’s so crazy and so big that I’m not sure we can succeed’.”

What in the world does that mean?

What do you want to see from Borderlands 3? Let us know below.

Via Videogamer.
