You don’t have to kill anyone in Alien: Isolation

By Brenna Hillier

Alien: Isolation players don’t have to take pot shots at enemies if they’d prefer to use stealth.


The Creative Assembly has been saying all along that Alien: Isolation will be a horror experience rather than a shooter like Colonial Marines, and the developer has confirmed you can play through the whole game without making a kill -0 despite the threat of scavengers, synthetics and, of course, the xeno.

Lead designer Gary Napper told GamesTM the decision to allow pacifist playthroughs was narrative-driven.

“You can get through the entire game without killing someone. It’s something that was, not so much a challenge, but something I felt was what the character would do,” he said.

“We’re talking about a member of the Ripley family – they’re not like characters in games that gun down civilians because they’re in the way to get to the switch.”

What interests me about this information is how neatly it lines up with John Robertson’s essential Alien Isolation survival guide, in which most of his advice seems to boil own to “there is no point fighting or collecting weapons; hide”.

I’m getting quite excited for this one! Alien: Isolation hits PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in October.

Thanks, PCGamer.
