Destiny may or may not contain racing, but an underground racing league is ready either way.
Destiny contains several kinds of vehicles but the only one we’ve had (official) access to in PvE so far the Sparrow. (They’re not all called Sparrows, as that’s just the name of the first model players get access to, but the name has stuck anyway.)
If you’re not familiar with these sweet rides, they’re probably best described as fairly similar to the speeder bikes in Star Wars – one-man hover vehicles. Zipping around the environment on these is a delight, and certainly speeds up traversal. Finding an uncommon, rare and even exotic vehicle means you can leave your fire team eating your dust, which is super satisfying.
Bungie hasn’t made any noises about including racing in Destiny, and to be honest I don’t think it’s particularly likely at this stage – it has enough to do making a shooter and an MMO without implementing other genres in there as well. That hasn’t stopped the community asking, though, because it really is such fun using the air brakes and boost to navigate canyons in superb style.
Enter the Sparrow Racing League, put together by members of the /r/DestinyTheGame subreddit after several conversations on the subject.
Precisely how the league will work is still being sorted out by its members – which is where you come in. If you’re keen, head on over to the website and register as a competitor. You can then join the conversation and help shape the league’s future.
This is exactly the kind of player-created meta gaming that makes MMOs pretty special, and it’s wonderful to see happening even this early in proceedings. It would almost be a shame if Bungie did make a racing mini-game now!
Destiny is due on PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in September. As previously discussed, I’m ready.
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