“Bomb Gaza,” “Gaza Assault” and “Whack the Hamas” are all live on Google Play

By Patrick Garratt

Google is being criticised for failing to remove anti-Gaza games from it’s Play app store.


Update: “Bomb Gaza” has now been removed from Play, although the other two games remain. Thanks, @stevemilward.

Original story: A series of games focused on the current Israel-Gaza war is live for download on Google’s Play store.

“Bomb Gaza,” “Gaza Assault” and “Whack the Hamas” have yet to be removed by Google, despite instant criticism from the press and pro-Arab groups.

Chris Doyle, the director of The Council for Arab-British Understanding, told The Telegraph that he believed the games to be in “very, very poor taste”.

“These games glorify the horror and violence of the bombing of Gaza, sanitising for a younger generation what is a dreadful conflict that has killed thousands and decimated the lives of hundreds of thousands. It raises serious questions of Google’s ethical standards if these games remain hosted on its platforms,” he said.

Israel is currently engaged in a bombing campaign against Gaza which has shocked the world by targeting civilian installations and killing hundreds of young children.
