For $90 you can buy this Warlords of Draenor Collector’s Edition

By Stephany Nunneley

The Collector’s Edition for World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor will run you around $90 US.

wow_wod_ce_amazonThose in Europe can expect to pay €79.99, the UK £49.99 and Australia $99.95.

It will include the following items and is similar to past CE offerings:

Physical Goods

  • Full-color hardcover art book
  • Behind-the-scenes two-disc Blu-ray/DVD set
  • Soundtrack
  • Warlords of Draenor mouse pad

Digital bonus items

  • World of Warcraft – Dread Raven Mount and Dread Hatchling Pet
  • StarCraft 2 – Warchief Portraits —Grommash, Hellscream and Blackhand
  • Diablo 3 – Warsong Pennant

Pre-ordering either the Collector’s or standard edition will net you a 90 character boost at launch.

Hit up your favorite online or physical retailer for more information.
