Get Dishonored for free on Xbox Live

By Brenna Hillier

Xbox Games with Gold is currently offering you a free copy of Dishonored. I don’t know why you’re still sitting here.


Dishonored is one of four games being offered as part of Xbox Games with Gold August, and although I’m keen on Crimson Dragon for Panzer Dragoon nostalgia reasons it’s Arkane’s stealth-’em-up that takes the cake this month, I think.

My great fondness for the (optional) murder sim is well documented so I won’t go into it again, but if you haven’t played and you’re still not taking advantage of this offer, I wash my hands of you.

Games with Gold offers a bundle of free games each month to Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Decent of Sony to provoke Microsoft into value matching! Microsoft’s getting better in its game choices, too.

Dishonored is also available on PC and PS3, an while nothing’s been announced we’re constantly on alert for word of a sequel. I’ve only just now realised how willing I’d be to pay for a PS4 remake. Hmm.

Thanks, Joystiq.
