Retrieve Ace’s Log Book Pages and pick up her quest as you begin to explore the first areas of Wasteland 2.
Wasteland 2 guide: Radio Tower
As you enter the Radio Tower you’ll receive a mission update from the Citadel. Once this is done, go north where you’ll come across a large blood stain on the floor. Follow this blood trail up to where the path forks and go left to the bush with the glowing orb above it. It’s here you’ll find Ace’s badge.
Go along the north path until you meet Spyke Alpha who wants 15 Scrap to let you pass. Choose the Break conversation menu and use the Kiss Ass cue to convince him to let you pass without incident. This will give you coordinates on your Party Map to a Mysterious Shrine.
You can now continue to explore this new area. If you start to examine the tower it will be revealed that you can resplice some wires if one of your party has the tech skills. Use your party member with the right Computer Science to fix this.
Past the tower, to the northeast, you should find Ace’s Log Book Pages on the ground. Now go out of the gate where you found the pages and there are more blood stains which lead around to some barrells. Follow them north through the rocks to discover a Broken Metal Leg.
Turn right to follow the oil on the floor and you’ll come to a cave containing a box of items on the left. Clear it out and go deeper into the cave and fight the large toad patrolling a dead machine. With the toad dead take its loot and pick up the Log book Pages scattered around the place. Click on the dead machine and you’ll find the remaining Repeater Units and another Log Book Page.
If you use Perception on the machine you’ll discover you can retrieve something from it. Use Computer Science to receive Energy Cells (ammo) and a Synth part. You can now call the Citadel and update them on your mission.
You’re now required to continue Ace’s original mission to connect the Repeater Units to the radio towers in Arizona. Fortunately one is already connected. Head back out of the cave and then it’s time to level up.
Levelling up
This is your first chance to level up your party. Click on the Call button and speak to Vargas, and he will take you to the character inventory. You don’t have any attribute points to spend at this time, but you have skill points. Remember you don’t have to spend them now, you can hold on to them for later. Just click on the skills tab above the character profile.
We levelled up Slick with +1 Kiss Ass as it’s already proven to be a useful skill.
Return to the Ranger Citadel
Before finishing ace’s mission, head back to the Ranger Citadel and talk to General Vargas. Tell him about the Log Book Pages and return the Broken Metal Leg – he’ll pass it on to Captain Mercaptain and you’ll get new info on two side quests. Open you log book (press L) and take a look at the updates.
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