Battlefield 5 coming in 2016 – report

By Sherif Saed

Despite not having been announced by EA, analyst firm Stern Agee believes Battlefield 5 is a thing and its release date has been moved to 2016.


IGN is citing reports from Stern Agee, an industry analytics firm which believes EA has moved the release date of Battlefield 5 to 2016.

There are multiple reasons for this, according to the firm. The first is that EA is releasing a Battlefield game in the from of Battlefield Hardline in 2015. The second is that EA is “feeling very confident” about the release of Star Wars: Battlefront, also due in 2015.

The firm also believes that EA wants more time spent on Battlefield 5, so as not to repeat the fiasco that was Battlefield 4’s launch.

Battlefield games have always enjoyed two-year development cycles. So with DICE Sweden in full-production mode on Battlefront, we can only assume that DICE LA – along with helping DICE Sweden with Battlefront – is working on the next iteration in the Battlefield franchise. All of this could be wishful thinking and may not actually reflect current plans at EA for the development or release of Battlefield 5.
