Bloodborne Alpha is coming back for one day with co-op, October 19

By Sherif Saed

The Bloodborne Alpha test was cut short on its final day by developer From Software, with the promise that it will resume at a later date. It appears that this Sunday- October 19 will be the day it comes back.


Those who participated in the Alpha test have received an email today notifying them of the new date and time. The client will remain the same, but a new patch will be pushed prior to the testing period.

The original vouchers which allowed folks to add the Alpha to their PSN libraries have been extended as well, according to the email.

Have a look at the email below.

bloodborne alpha

Along with normal gameplay, From Software will be testing the co-op portion of the game, according other invites sent over to us (see below) and tossed our way on Twitter from Tom V (@Get_crazy78).

The co-op mentioned matches up with the co-op portion of the game manual DualShockers posted earlier in the month.


If you’re like me not lucky enough to be among the participants, or do not own a PS4, you may want to read Dave Cook’s impressions of the alpha. Or watch videos from it, if that’s more your thing.

Thanks to @gameiznotover for the tip.
