This morning, Square Enix presented a Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Extended Talk Show which featured Final Fantasy 15 director Hajime Tabata providing information on the game which he was unable to fit in during the TGS 2014 presentation.
During the live stream, a detailed explanation on the technology, the battle system and various environments players will be able to experience in FF15 were discussed.
One of the main discussions involved the battle system and the now infamous “one button” revelation. According to Tabata, it’s not as simple as continuously pressing a button.
“When you continue to hold down the guard button, you can basically auto-guard and evade, but it consumes MP,” he said. “You can’t infinitely evade. You have to think about timing, when it’s a good idea to attack or evade.
“Also, you aren’t invincible. There are attacks you can’t avoid. In those cases, there are also essential technical evasion methods.
“When you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo. You can change the actions by using it in coordination with the directional buttons. The actions change depending on your circumstances—things like whether you’re guarding and whether the timing is right, or if your companions are nearby.”
Tabata also discusses why players won’t be able to switch characters, delves into jumping and weapon selection and cooperative chains.
You can read up on pertinent details from the stream over on Gematsu.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was also discussed, but we’ll have to wait on the translation. The stream recap can be watched here in Japanese, but Square said a subtitled version would be released sometime later today.
Final Fantasy 15 is coming to PS4 and Xbox One, and a demo code for it will be bundled with Final fantasy Type-0. The latter releases in March 2015.
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