Q-Games sheds a little light on The Tomorrow Children’s development

By Stephany Nunneley

Q-Games has posted a development blog providing a small but detailed look into the development process of The Tomorrow Children.

Writing on the PS Blog, the studio’s president and executive producer Dylan Cuthbert outlined three development points in particular: Cinematography, Lighting and Geometry.

Each section goes into great detail on the process, but each are still concise and in layman’s terms – enough to where non-techy folks such as me can understand.

There were also three work-in-progress videos released, all short watches, demonstrating day and night transitions, town lighting and one for materials and light.

The Tomorrow Children was announced at gamescom 2014 and while there isn’t a release date currently, you can sign up now for the eventual Alpha test through the game’s website with your PSN ID.

If you would like to see some streaming gameplay of the Alpha, Cuthbert sat in on a Raptr Twitch stream and not only played The Tomorrow Children but Nom Nom Galaxy – formerly known as PixelJunk, Inc.

The Tomorrow Children stream starts at the 31.00 mark (thanks NeoGAF).

Watch live video from Raptr on Twitch
