The Evil Within guide: Chapter 6 – Losing Grip On Ourselves

By Matt Martin

A sniper rifle and freeze bolts should make your battle with the giant hounds easier.


Follow the mountain path and loot any side areas as you go. At the large wooden door you’ll meet Joseph again. As he works on the door use the explosive barrels to hold off the enemies, taking down more than one at a time.

On the other side of the door you’ll find the Freeze Bolt. Follow Joseph to the room with two exploding barrels where you’ll be attacked again. Time it right and you can use the barrels to kill a lot of them, then fall back to the shotgun or pistol. From here you’ll watch another cutscene, then be presented with a case holding a Sniper Rifle.

You need to fight your way to the tower here, and there are a few different routes. Whenever you open a door by pulling the levers you’ll be attacked by enemies, but usually each room contains some loot. When you get close the enemies up top will begin firing arrows at you. This is your cue to whip out the sniper rifle and take them all down with headshots.

When it looks like you have a clear path to the tower, you’ll encounter a dude with a chainsaw. Again, use explosive barrels and any Explosive Bolts you have. The shotgun and pistol work at a push.

Follow Joseph up the stairs to the elevator and set fire to the body. You can go through the door here to save your game and upgrade, then get inside the elevator when you’re ready to continue.

Go across the stone bridge to trigger a cutscene, then run to the wooden dock and snipe the two guys attacking Joseph. When you join him you’ll trigger another cutscene and then have to defend him again while he works on a door. Try not to waste explosives but go for headshots whenever possible.

In the market area smash everything you can find to grab plenty of loot, then watch the next cutscene. When Joseph climbs the ladder and uses a sniper rifle, you need to continue down the path. You’ll need to take out a sniper yourself and keep moving away from the two biggest enemies. If you keep moving, Joseph will weaken them considerably with his sniper rifle. Running away to keep distance between you and the enemies is a key tactic here.

Go through the iron gate and along the path, taking any loot you find on the way. You will now need any explosives you have on the two bosses. Aim for the body, and when you’ve ran out of explosives, go for head shots with the pistol and shotgun. When they drop to their knees finish them off.

After the next cutscene you’ll be in a basement. Go forward into the room with numbers on the wall and levers. Pull levers 9 and 5 to continue through the castle. Get in the giant cage and then loot your surroundings until you come to a locked gate.

When you’re attacked by the giant dog, do your best to avoid it as it’s fast. Freeze Bolts and Shock Bolts are ideal here. It isn’t so much a tough enemy as a fast one. When it hides in the bushes that’s an ideal time to throw any grenades if you have them.

After the cutscene you’ll have to face another dog, but this time you just need to fend it off long enough to reach the glasses. Once you have them head to the steps and the church, where you’ll trigger the final chapter and complete the chapter.

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