WildStar players can now transfer between PvE and PvP servers

By Stephany Nunneley

Carbine Studios is allowing WildStar players free transfers between the PvE and PvP server, indefinitely for now.

Many player found that after a while, PvP was rather quite on the megaservers, and Carbine hope to remedy this by allowing free transfers starting today.

“We will enable free PvP to PvE and PvE to PvP realm transfers,” according to a post from the community manager on game’s forums. “You will be able to transfer from PvP to PvE servers and vice-versa, for free, for your games account region.

“Normal realm transfer rules will still apply.”

Carbine said it will be monitoring transfers for any player taking advantage of the system.

“We expect there will be some concerns about players using PvE servers to level up, without the dangers of a PvP server, and then transferring across once they reach max level, however we felt that ensuring the health and community of each server is more vital,” the post continued.

“We will be keeping a close eye on things for any shenanigans or foul play though.”

More information on the transfers can be found through this support article.

Thanks Blue, via Massively.
