Someone recreated Game of Thrones’ Daenerys Targaryen in Dragon Age: Inquisition

By Sherif Saed

A very perceptive person took it up themself to recreate Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones in Dragon Age: Inquisition, using the game’s character creation tool.

dragon age inquisition daenerys header

Imgur user kill3rew0k has not only recreated Daenerys Targaryen from HBO’s Game of Thrones in Dragon Age: Inquisition, he showed everybody how to do it themselves too.

Here are a few images showing just how faithful it is to the original.

dragon age inquisition daenerys 1

dragon age inquisition daenerys 2

dragon age inquisition daenerys 3

You can check the rest of the gallery for a breakdown of all the attributes you can use to create your own Mother of Dragons.

Thanks, The Escapist.
