Dragon’s Dogma director Hideaki Itsuno teases new game announcement “soon”

By Stephany Nunneley

Fresh on the heels of the Dragon’s Dogma Online trademark which popped up over the weekend, is news out of this week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation that a new game coming from the Dragon’s Dogma team is to be announced soon.

The latest issue of the magazine features a large questionnaire section in which 107 game developers participated – two of which were Dragon’s Dogma director Hideaki Itsuno and Minaeu Matsukawa who produced the Dark Arisen expansion.

According to Itsuno there are “several games in the pipeline right now,” one of which is in the “last stages” and should be announced “soon”.

“We’re working really hard to get ready for people to learn about what we have coming up in 2015 and get them excited to play those games,” added Matsukawa.

It is unknown at this time whether the trademark filed for Dragon’s Dogma Online over the weekend is for and online-only game in the series, or an online portion for a sequel to the original.

Elsewhere in the questionnaire, Sengoku Basara series producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi noted the 10th anniversary of the Sengoku Basara franchise was coming up, and that fans could “expect a lot of exciting announcements and developments” to mark the occasion.

Thanks, Gematsu (via Hachima Kikou).
