PlayStation 4 supplies running low in Europe ahead of the holidays

By Sherif Saed

Sony’s inventory of PlayStation 4 consoles in Europe could be a bit constrained due to strong demand in the lead up to the holidays.


Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House told Reuters that because the PlayStation 4 is in such high demand in Europe, Sony could be “inventory challenged.”

“If I look at Europe I think it is potentially, for the second year running, going to be quite inventory challenged,” said House. “I’m not going to say you won’t be able to find a PlayStation 4. I think it’s going to be kind of hand to mouth in terms of that market.”

House did not reveal any specific numbers or how high the demand will be, but assured that Sony is doing all it could to keep up.

As for the US market, House said that sales for December have been in line with Sony’s expectations, despite facing “tougher” competition from Microsoft in November.

House’s statement certainly sounds very familiar to last year’s statements. Only then it was the console’s launch window.

Thanks, The Independent.
