Alien: Isolation, Assassin’s Creed and The Last of US: Left Behnd tapped for WGA Award

By Brenna Hillier

The Writers Guild of America has put forth its nominations for the outstanding achievement achievement in video game writing category of its annual awards.


The following four titles were nominated:

  • Alien: Isolation, Writers Dan Abnett, Dion Lay, Will Porter; SEGA
  • Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry, Lead Scriptwriter Jill Murray; Scriptwriter Melissa MacCoubrey; Story by Jill Murray, Hugo Giard, Wesley Pincombe; Ubisoft
  • Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Story by Alexandre Amancio, Sylvain Bernard, Travis Stout; Scriptwriting Alexandre Amancio, Travis Stout, Russell Lees, Darby McDevitt, Ceri Young; Additional Scriptwriting Jeffrey Yohalem; Ubisoft
  • The Last of Us: Left Behind, Written by Neil Druckmann; Sony Computer Entertainment

Ubisoft will no doubt be quite happy with its two nominations, and I’m certainly pleased to see Freedom Cry, which starred a man of colour, and Assassin’s Creed: Unity, which was neatly plotted and had a female character who wasn’t total bullshit, make the cut.

I haven’t played Alien: Isolation so can’t comment there, but The Last of Us: Left Behind gave a lot of people a lot of feelings.

Note that to be eligible for nomination writers must be paid-up members of the WGA and submit their scripts for consideration, so don’t feel too miffed if your favourite game wasn’t included this year; not everyone participates.

The winner will be announced during the 2015 Writers Guild Awards on February 14.

Thanks, Polygon.
