Assassin’s Creed Victory: fans speculate over characters and locations

By Sherif Saed

Ubisoft has not yet started talking about Assassin’s Creed: Victory, so some eager fans are speculating about everything they can just from those leaked screens.


A very popular thread right now on the Ubisoft forums attempts to gather fans’ specualtion about characters, events and story of Assassin’s Creed: Victory.

What followed was quite a lot of investigative work and Wikipedia reading, all based off the images that leaked for Victory. First, let’s talk about the period setting, we know it will be set sometime during the Victorian Era, but that too can be narrowed down.

“We have deduced that the majority, if not all, of the game will take place from 1878 on wards although the era lasted from 1837 to 1901. This is due to the the fact that: 1. The construction on Big Ben was completed in 1858. 2. Electric street lighting in London began in 1878, as seen in the train station and on the street,” reads one post.

“But there are other things that Alpha has noticed that would lead one to believe the game is set further in time. An ad can be seen for “Havelock Tobacco” in the last screen from Kotaku, among many others. We have traced this product to being sold in 1891, but these are minor details. Although, 1891 easily fits into the time frame.”

What about historical and renowned characters that lived during that period?

“Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A civil engineer of the Victorian Era. He also built the Great Western Railway from Bristol to London. Known to have developed powerful steam ships. Sir Titus Salt: A successful businessman that unlike other buisnessman, felt a general concern for the workforce. John Stuart Mill: An utilitarian philosopher and supporter of radical / liberal politics and the emancipation of women,” speculates one post.

“Benjamin Disraeli: British prime minister and personal friend of Queen Victoria herself. Charles Darwin: English naturalist; His published theory of Evolution was one of the greatest changes of the Victorian period. George Stephenson: Father of the railways; He was known for making the first railways that changed the Victorian society and their means of travel. Michael Faraday: A scientist who helped electricity become more practical in the Victorian Era.”

As for some of the monuments that you will surely be scaling, let’s take a look at this post.

“This is Saint Margaret’s. The building Sam is seen sitting on in the first screen. The placement is very accurate and through my research on Google Earth, and heavy analysing of the screen, I am sure that they are the same place. You can also see a Google Earth pic of Westminster Abbey in the last pic. If you are unfamiliar with London, you may be surprised to find that it and the Notre Dame are very similar.”

victory monuments vs real ife

“Next up is Saint Paul’s Cathedral. It is seen rising highly above the other buildings, so much so that I don’t see how the scale is 100% accurate,”

victory monuments vs real ife 2

The rest of the thread is worth a read if you want to let your imagination run wild. They even speculate about the protagonist’s identity.

Thanks, @__bucko__.
