Beamdog’s Adventure Y bridges the gap between Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2

By Stephany Nunneley

Beamdog has announced that its latest project, Adventure Y, will be revealed in the spring.

Adventure Y, in development using the Infinity engine, bridges the gap between Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, according to a blog post from the developer.

“Keep an eye on the Beamblog in late spring for announcements regarding the content and release date of Adventure Y,” reads the post. “We have an exciting release planned for this game, something bigger than we’ve ever done before.”

Information on Project: Beartrap, another title in the works at Beamdog, will be discussed in late summer.

The studio said the project is a “departure in terms of what we’ve done in the past.”

Beamdog said Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t in the works, but the firm thinks about the possibility on occassion and an opportunity may arrive for it in the future. A Dungeon and Dragons game based on the 5th Edition Ruleset is also not in the works, the firm revealed.

More project details and release information on both titles in the works will be announced on the Beamblog as the year progresses.

Via PC Gamer.
