Battlefield Hardline stats and dev diary denote encouraging beta input

By Stephany Nunneley

The Battlefield Hardline beta is over, and to give you an idea of what players were up to in it, Visceral Games has released a handy infographic.

Infographics are a thing now, and while typing that word out gives my brain severe fits, it’s a great way to show off stats.

The developer already announced that 7 million tried out the beta, but today we now know that $2.8 billion was stolen in Heist on Bank Job; 3.8 million vaults were busted; 38 million cars were hotwired and there were 28 million Hotwire takedowns.

55% of players chose the Operator class, and while 57% of matches were won by the cops, 17 million Hotwire vehicles made a getaway.

More stats are below, and if you want an idea of how your beta input helped the development team out, have a look at the latest dev diary above.

Battlefield Hardline is coming to PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on March 17 in North America and March 19 in Europe.

