Destiny videos: bloody hell this Guardian’s good

By Brenna Hillier

Destiny players are a talented bunch and shut up and get to slayerage already okay, okay.


Holy shit friends, Destiny legend slayerage beat Crota’s End solo – on hard mode. This is the event of the week, peace out, goodbye.

Still here? Oh. Okay well I guess some other things happened.

Creepy crawlies

Man, were there a lot of great bugs, glitches and similar shenanigans this week. Let’s kick off with wrecluse (great name, pal) and a Cabal officer who can’t figure out the whole “wheels go at the bottom”. That’s like the first lesson, man! Ha ha.

Next up we have High Score Gamers, taking a very different kind of ride. Hem hem. Not really hem hem, actually, but.

Now here’s Danny Baxter encountering a CHEATING goldarned Hobby. Seriously, aren’t these fetchers painful enough in general?

In this video, Preston Waits encounters a glitch with the Blades of Crota, which turns out to be awesome, but could have been deadly.

Finally, here’s Ijoin2UploadPS4 (really?) with a bit of a blip in Cabal AI.

Not every glitch works in your favour. I mean, I can think of instances where this is useful – just not the one which Leps3434 experienced.

Skillz, skillz, skillz

Enough faffing about with the broken bits of the game’ let’s see some hotshot Guardians doing their shizzle For example: Jake Turner, a sniper who yet again reminds us of the valuable lesson do not rez in front of snipers.

Speaking of snipers, here’s Sam Wallace wielding No Land Beyond to excellent effect. Don’t blame the tools, guys; don’t blame the tools.

One of the most important jobs in the final confrontation with Crota is preventing the Boomers from killing your swordbearer. Here’s myqueaf‘s ingenious solution.

Just for laughs

Ah ha ha! Robo Spike‘s friends are mean.

This took ages to set up. Was it worth it? Yes, Frail Rain, it was.
