Peter Molyneux says he will stop talking to the press

By Sherif Saed

Famed designer Peter Molyneux says he’s done talking to the press.


The aftermath of this week’s revelation that project Godus’ initial features may never be realised and the fact that Curiosity winner has yet to receive a cut from Godus’ profits continues with today’s Molyneux interview.

Peter Molyneux spoke to The Guardian about how the Godus debacle has taken its toll on him and his family.

“I love my games and I love sharing them with people. It’s this amazing incredible thing I get to do with my life, creating ideas and sharing them with people. The problem is, it just hasn’t worked.

“The only answer is for me to retreat.”

Molyneux revealed that he and his family have received threats, which he, understandably, says “can’t go on.”

“I am so honoured to be a part of the games industry, but I understand that people are sick of hearing my voice and hearing my promises. I think honestly the only answer to this is for me to completely stop talking to the press,” he said, adding that he will continue to only answer backer questions.

“I think people are just sick of hearing from me. They’ve been sick of hearing from me for so many years now. You know, we’re done,” Molyneux said at the end of the interview.
