Convince Tap to help you out and investigate the school with this guide.
Battlefield Hardline guide: Episode 1 – Back to School
This episode starts with a whole lot of scene setting, so just sit shotgun and let Khai fill you in.
Once you get out of the car you’ll flash your badge and arrest Brix, then follow Khai’s lead around the back of the houses until you learn to distract by throwing a shell casing.
Next toss another shell casing to distract the two guards and take them both down. Now you can approach Tap on the sofa and convince him to work for you.
At the school, use the scanner to identify Tap, then as he approaches the building check out all the other goons hanging around. You’re going to be using the scanner a lot – it’s essential to identify evidence and open warrants, all of which will help you unlock new weapons and gear, as well as trophies and achievements.
Scan all the people in the building and when Tap has finished his conversation with Tyson a van and car will roll up outside. Scan these guys too, just before they battle it out in the school. You’re going to have to get involved here.
Go downstairs and arrest/shoot the two goons below, before arresting your first guy with a warrant. Next arrest the crook on the right and then the two guarding the main doors. If you go immediately right and stay low you’ll be able to jump the internal wall and arrest the guy watching the basketball game.
With good timing and quick reflexes you’ll be able to take down the four goons on the next floor up too. Scan the evidence in the office and once you’re done with Tyson use the Tactical Gear box to get decent weapons. Get a shotgun if you can.
Now get downstairs and outside. There’s around six bad guys here so you can either try to arrest them or practice your shooting.
Once you arrive at Tyson’s spot, kick in the door, confront him and then apply pressure to Khai when you need to. As the bad guys come through the door and the window just aim for their flashlights and pop them dead.
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