Battlefield Hardline guide: Episode 5 – Gauntlet

By Staff

The tables have been turned and now you’re the one trying to avoid the law. Make this episode a whole lot easier with our guide.


Battlefield Hardline guide: Episode 5 – Gauntlet

You’re not going to be killing anyone in the first half of this episode, so make sure your sneaking skills are up to scratch. Stay low, wait for cops to move away from your area and use the taser as a last resort. If you take it steady this episode is a breeze. The map is split into sections which makes it easier to negotiate.

Once you’ve survived the escape, you’re going to need to get to cover before heading to the water tower. Dash past the hut on your left, through the play park and turn right off the alleyway where the cop car pulls up to arrest the other prisoners. Move through the back garden here until you’re opposite the closed down cinema.

When the cops have passed, sprint across to the right and into the shelter with the curved tin roof where there’s lots of road signs inside. To the left of the Exit sign is a little ramp that will take you over the fence. Take a breather.

From this back garden, wait until the cop car has passed and the cops have done checking the house opposite and airstream trailer, then stay low and move to the left of the house with the outside light. Go around the back of the house, keeping low and turn right to climb over into the next garden. You’ll be right behind a cop knocking on the back door of this house.

Don’t worry about this cop, just crouch and move forward but turn right to go around the house on your right. Wait here in the small outbuilding for the cops ahead to finish talking and split apart then move around the building where you’ll see a cop looking in the opposite direction. Creep up to knock him out and take his taser. The game just got a little bit easier.

Climb over the wall. Now be wary of getting caught in the helicopter’s search light, but move across the road. If it looks like a cop has spotted you, you can always use the taser from this point to put them down and keep moving.


At the end of this garden follow the wall to the left, past the children’s play area until you see the prisoner crouching, who will make a run for it. When he gets jumped by the cops, sprint across and to the right of the building and over the ramp into the shipping container.

Creep though the construction yard and on the right is a washing machine you can use to climb up and over into a building. Now it’s time to create a distraction.

Head down into the basement to find the methlab. Release the gas, light the burner and duck through the wall and up the ladders. Now run ahead, leaning right and past the giant dinosaur as the methlab explodes.

Past the dinosaur you’ll see a gap in the fence on the right, where you can drop down into the storm drain and then turn left and right into the tunnel. Now just run up the mountain path to find Tyson.

Once you’re done with Tyson, head down the mountain veering left, and use cover to stay out of the helicopter search light. The cops are a bit more aggressive in their searching here, but you can avoid them by working around the rocks as they go in the opposite direction.

Down at the bottom to the left you’ll find Tyson and follow him into a mineshaft before meeting up with an old friend…

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