Battlefield Hardline map tips: Bank Job, Riptide & Everglades

By Staff

Check out this guide to some of the most distinctive maps in Battlefield Hardline and dominate multiplayer sessions.

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Bank Job is one of the best maps in BF Hardline, and if you took part in the beta you’ll already be familiar with its layout. Riptide is a set of small islands surrounded by the sea and Everglades is a big old hunk of dirty swamp. All require different tactics – let’s take a deeper look at useful strategies.

Bank Job

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  • There are plenty of doors here. Slam them shut to slow down enemies or blow them off the hinges to open up the room. They also make good spots for tripmines.
  • There’s more than one way into the bank vault. Don’t always take the obvious route.
  • A sharp marksman can shoot the chandeliers and bring them crashing down in the main entrance hall.
  • You can use the console in the security office to close some doors around the vault. And remember the security office has bulletproof glass.
  • Getting to the roof provides plenty of sniping spots on the street below. But you can also shoot into the building through the massive skylight on the roof, which provides clear access to some of the rooms on the first floor – very useful in Rescue mode.

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  • The office rooms around one side of the first floor are good for hiding in and springing out on unsuspecting enemies.
  • Remember you can use the grappling hook outside the building to reach the rooftop – it can be quicker than using the stairs although you’re going to be vulnerable.
  • The pillars on the outside the bank provide decent cover if you’re running along the outside length of the building.
  • The parking lot opposite the bank has multiple levels with plenty of cars to use for cover. It’s here that the criminals helicopter will pick up stolen cash in Heist mode.
  • Use the zipline to move between the bank roof and the top of the parking lot, or use a zipline to the ground below for rapid movement.


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  • Set the oil spills on fire if you want to cause some distracting chaos.
  • The fanboats are fast as hell on water but all but useless on land. Don’t make the mistake of getting caught up in the terrain.
  • Water is horrible to move through and will slow you down. If you’re waiting in ambush it’s good for laying low, as is getting underneath the shacks on stilts.
  • To kick off Levolution and change the landscape here, head to the fracking site. Activate the drill via the console in the office, then wait a little bit until you feel the vibrations from the drill. When the drill is finished you’ll see green gas escaping from the hole. Throw explosives and ignite the gas and you’ll bring the drill and tower down onto the map.
  • The collapsed tower now blocks off one of the main routes for vehicles. You can do this to all three towers, which makes a great spot for defence.


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  • This map is similar to The Block in that there are two channels around the outside or you can go through (or over) the main building.
  • Equip dark clothing and stick to the walls downstairs and you’ll be difficult to spot from outside.
  • The rooftop doesn’t give a great height advantage as you can’t see around the outside of the house, but it’s good for going over and flanking your enemies from behind rather than dashing around the building
  • Camping around the borders of the garden is great for taking down players on the roof, but you’ll miss out on all the action inside the house.
  • Skylights are basically doors on the roof. Use them to get the drop on anyone below and if you’re underneath one always check it as you would an open doorway.

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