Battlefield Hardline map tips: The Block, Growhouse & Hollywood Heights

By Staff

These maps are a fair size, but mix open spaces with tight indoor locations. Don’t get cornered, pay attention, come out on top.

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All three of these maps suit the new modes really well – there’s plenty of tight spaces to ramp up the drama in Rescue and Crosshair. The Block and Growhouse in particular are standout maps.

The Block

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  • This is a map that seems tight but can be blown wider open. Walls collapse and window frames can be shot out to make more space. Toss a grenade and you’ll open the rooms up.
  • If you’re hiding inside a building be sure to hang back from the window frames so you face is in the dark. It’s easy to see inside the apartments as there’s so many windows.
  • You don’t need to enter the apartment through the doors. There’s plenty of opportunity to climb through toilet windows and such to get the drop on enemies.
  • The alleyways on either side of the buildings provide quick access around the map but will leave you vulnerable. Use burnt out vehicles as cover and sprint between them.

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  • Avoid moving through the courtyard or playground where possible as you’ll be surrounded on all sides – unless you want to be the distraction while team mates figure out behind which windows the enemy is hiding.
  • Run quickly and jump over everything. Walls, obstacles, window frames – the fastest way to move through The Block is to treat is like an obstacle course. Do that and you’ll be difficult to hit as there’s so much cover around.
  • The only open part of this map is the garage at one end. You can use the height of the other buildings to see in to it, but high walls make it easy to overthrow any enemies using it as a camping ground of hold point.

Hollywood Heights

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  • To activate levolution and change the map, get down to the pool area and blow up the four concrete pillars that support the balcony. As soon as the ground starts rumbling, get out the way as the balcony will fall into the swimming pool.
  • This opens up the level and gets rid of some of the close range choke points, so be prepared to switch to a mid-range weapons if you’ve been using shotguns.
  • You want to be inside the mansion shooting out rather than the other way around. There’s absolutely loads of cover inside, especially if you keep moving from one spot to another.
  • If you’re outside trying to get in, cause as much distraction as you can – take out windows, toss grenades – anything that makes a scene and covers your move to get into the mansion.
  • Use the dirt path around the outside of the building if you need to flank the mansion as it provides better cover. Taking the wider route is much safer here, as enemies on the rooftop get a good view of the grounds.


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  • Growhouse is dark. Use lights on your weapons to pick out the dark corners, but remember they make you easier to spot so flick them off when moving. This goes for laser sites too. When you run with them on you may as well be swinging the batsignal around.
  • The strips of plants make great cover if you’re prone or crouching, but they can be difficult to flee from if someone starts throwing molotovs.
  • Climb to the roof and smash out the windows to get a good high vantage point into the laundry below.
  • Keep the double doors shut if you want to slow everyone down, especially during Rescue mode.

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