Final Fantasy 15: Episode Duscae videos show combat, a Chocobo post, more

By Stephany Nunneley

Videos pulled from the Final Fantasy 15: Episode Duscae livestream from PAX East today are posted below.

The session was titled Game Designs of Final Fantasy XV panel and featured the game’s lead designers Wan Hazmer and Prasert Prasertvithyakarn at PAX East in Boston today.

In each you get a look at the characters, combat system, a Chocobo post, the Buddy navagation system, and more.

The full stream is also posted below courtesy of FinalFanatsyUpdates.

If you want to know how the demo plays, Alex Donaldson recently got his hands on it.

Final Fantasy 15: Episode Duscae is included with first-print copies of Final Fantasy Type-0 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as a bonus download while stocks last. Type-0 HD is out on March 20.

Thanks, GamesHQMedia.
