If you want the limited edition MGS5: The Phantom Pain PS4 to come west, ask Sony

By Sherif Saed

Plenty of Metal Gear Solid fans are salivating at the prospect of a western release for the Phantom Pain limited edition PS4, and it looks like they’ve been talking to the wrong party.

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Ever since Konami revealed the limited edition MGS5: The Phantom Pain PlayStation 4 to the public last week, everyone expected it to never come west.

While the red-and-black unit was announced for Asia only, there’s still hope that it will cross the pond, if fans manage to pester Sony about it enough.

Konami is apparently not the one to ask, according to Kojima Productions producer Ken-ichiro Imaizumi.

As you can see, Sony is the right party to talk to if fans want the limited edition to come west.

Don’t keep your hopes up though, as many limited edition PlayStation 4 consoles have seen Asian and Japanese releases only, never making it to the west. Then again, this is Metal Gear Solid we’re talking about here, so it’s definitely possible.
