Mortal Kombat X: Kombat Pack gets you Jason Voorhees, three more characters and skins

By Sherif Saed

The Kombat Pack has been detailed for Mortal Kombat X featuring one of horror films’ most iconic characters.


Warner Bros. has confirmed that the Kombat Pack – Mortal Kombat X’ season pass – is available now for £24.99, and comes included with the Premium Edition of the game. The pass will give players access to four additional characters. The first is Jason Voorhees, the character best known as the face of the Friday the 13th film series.

Two classic Kombatants will also be added, as well as another special guest. All of the characters are currently in development and will available post launch.

Anyone buying the Kombat Pack will get access to the Samurai Pack on launch. The pack comes with three new skins: Ronin Kenshi, Samurai Shinnok and Jingu Kitana, as well as a skin pack for each of the game’s playable characters. Kombat Pack owners will also receive early access to future DLC before it goes on sale.

Here’s a very short look at Jason.
