Spotify now available on PS3 and PS4, lets you play music in the background

By Sherif Saed

Spotify has arrived on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.


The Spotify app is now available in 42 countries on PSN. The app was part of last week’s firmware update and can be found under PlayStation Music. Anyone can download it, as it doesn’t require PlayStation Plus.

You can use your PSN account to subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service for £9.99/$9.99 per month. In addition, new and existing Spotify users who’ve not received a trial of Spotify Premium before, will get a one-month trial for free. As for existing Music Unlimited subscribers, any users with accounts active as of March 29 2015, will receive a two-month trial to Spotify Premium.

You can use the app to play music in the background while you play games, but only on PlayStation 4. All games support this feature, but some may require some tinkering with the audio sliders in-game, according to Eurogamer.

The app also works with the Spotify Connect feature on the Android and iOS apps, meaning you can control what you listen to on the console through your phone, similar to Apple AirPlay.

You can use the app, complete with all of the above features, with your regular free Spotify account. However, for Spotify Premium members, the offline play feature is not available on consoles.

According to SCEE marketing director Murray Pannell, the app is exclusive to PlayStation systems “for the foreseeable” future. “PlayStation have gaming exclusivity,” he told Eurogamer.
