The creator of Skyrim mod Art of the Catch has taken to Reddit to explain why he pulled the paid mod off Steam Workshop.
Yesterday, it was revealed Chesko had pulled the fishing mod off Steam Workshop, after mod creator Fore stated he didn’t endorse Chesko charging for the mod because it used his his character-idle animations.
Chesko took to explained on Reddit he was barred from contacting Fore over the matter due to a non-disclosure agreement with Valve and Bethesda, stressing that it was never his intention to steal any content or make money off someone else’s work.
According to Chesko, modders taking part in the program asked about the use of tools and assets such as Fores New Idles, Skyrim Script Extender, SkyUI which many mods were built around.
When questioned on said usage, a Valve representative stated that upon speaking with a company lawyer “having mod A depend on mod B is fine [as] it doesn’t matter if mod A is for sale and mod B is free, or if mod A is free or mod B is for sale.”
Many mods depend on other mods in order to work, so we don’t expect the situation Chesko faced to be an isolated incident.
Thanks, DoDoDo Ro.
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