Sony has posted a sale on the European end of the PS Store and the glut of the discounts apply to Assassin’s Creed titles and DLC.
The Deal of the Week has also been posted, and it’s the Gold Edition of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on PlayStation 4. Normally £54.99/€69.99, the game is 33% off until June 3.
Along with the aforementioned Assassin’s Creed sale, FIFA 15 Deluxe Edition is on sale for both PlayStation consoles for €24.99/£19.99 until June 10. The Vita version of the football title is also on sale.
Other titles on sale include Cross-Buy offerings MotorStorm RC, CounterSpy, and Resogun. Discounts for Super Stardust Ultra, Escape Plan, PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, and Tokyo Jungle have also been applied.
Head over to the EU PS Blog for the full list of discounts.
The Assassin’s Creed sale ends on June 10.
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