Fallout 4 reveal trailer created by Del Toro’s movie studio – rumour

By Matt Martin

It appears Bethesda has hired Guillermo Del Toro’s movie studio to create a CGI trailer for Fallout 4, expected to be revealed at E3 in June.


According to the CV of a 3D artist captured by Videogamer, Miranda Studios has created a “Fallout 4 cinematic trailer”.

The artist has previously worked on cinematics for The Elder Scrolls Online, Far Cry 4 and Forza Motorsport, amongst others. Miranda Studios has worked for Nike, IBM, Mazda and Katy Perry.

Although Fallout 4 has not been officially announced, the highly-anticipated RPG is expected to be the big reveal at Bethesda’s very first E3 showcase, taking place on Sunday June 14.

Unlikely to be on the show floor, it’s rumoured that Fallout 4 will be shown behind closed doors to press during the event.

E3 takes place June 16 – 18 this year, with events from Bethesda, Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, Sony and more in the days prior.
