LEGO Jurassic World trailer invites you to take a VIP tour of the park

By Stephany Nunneley

A new LEGO Jurassic World video has invited viewers to take a VIP tour of the park facilities, and get to know dinosaurs such as Indominus Rex and Mosasaurus a bit better. They will also get a look at the Creation Lab.

It looks like a fun place, you know, because it’s a “completely safe environment,” according to the narrator. Still, the park isn’t responsible for personal injuries which may occur when fleeing pink Pterodactylus swooping down from the sky.

Those who pre-order on PlayStation Network or Xbox Live before June 12 will be handed free DLC which includes:

Jurassic Park Trilogy Pack #1 – exclusively for PS3 and PS4 through PSN

  • Characters – Dino Handler, Eric Kirby and Paul Kirby
  • Vehicle – Animal Control Vehicle

Jurassic Park Trilogy Pack #2 – exclusively for Xbox 360 and Xbox One through XBL

  • Characters – Jurassic Park Helicopter Pilot, Lex and Tim Murphy
  • Vehicle – Iain Malcolm’s San Diego Cruiser

The aforementioned LEGO Jurassic World DLC packs will be available for purchase a la carte for £0.79 post launch.

LEGO Jurassic World will drop on June 12 for 3DS, PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
