Batman: Arkham Knight is a 45GB download, check out this Nvidia GameWorks video

By Stephany Nunneley

Batman: Arkham Knight will be a 45GB download on all three platforms, according to digital store listings. In other news, Nvidia has released a video showing off the Rocksteady title using the card maker’s GameWorks technology.

Steam, along with the PlayStation Store and Xbox Marketplace have the game’s download size listed, per Gamespot. 45GB isn’t out of the ordinary anymore, it seems. Hopefully, you have a rather speedy Internet connection. Otherwise, if it’s like mine, it will take 2-3 days to download.

Those planning on pre-ordering the game on Xbox One can do so now, and pre-download all the necessary files ahead of time.

Batman: Arkham Knight will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One June 23.
