SEGA welcomes you to the world of Yakuza 5 in this developer video

By Stephany Nunneley

Gio Corsio of SCEA’s third-party production team sat down recently with two of Yakuza 5’s developers.

In the video, general director of the Yakuza series Toshihiro Nagoshi and Yakuza 5 producer Masayoshi Yokoyama discuss the game’s theme, scope, and also answer user questions.

The video is the first entry in SEGA’s upcoming series of Yakuza 5 developer interviews.

A direct sequel to Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5 continues the story of Kazuma Kiryu alongside four other protagonists, as they go about their lives in the seedy underbelly of Japan’s Yakuza underworld through five major Japanese cities.

During the keynote address at the PlayStation Experience back in December, it was announced that Yakuza 5 would be released digitally in the west sometime in summer 2015.
