Death or desertion? Find out the truth in this side quest.
To start this quest you’ll need to head to the bottom right of the map, or the south west portion. Here you’ll find a big Nilfgaaridan soldier’s camp.
Through the main gates and to the left you’ll see a noblewoman under a tent. She stands out as she’s sitting on a good quality chair wearing nice clothes. She wants you to look for her son, and he should be easy to find as he’s a redhead.
Head on down to the Quartermaster. You have three options here. You can bribe him for 100 Crowns or use Axii on him so long as it’s level 2 or higher. Alternatively, if you’ve completed the contract Patrol Gone Missing, he’ll give up the info you need for free.
Start searching the area in the swamp. You’ll find a fair few ghouls here, so be prepared to slay them. You’ll also come across a whole mess of clues including horse tracks, dog tracks, and corpses.
You’ll eventually find soldiers hung and swinging from the trees, one of which is the woman’s son. Search his body and also the ground below to find a letter.
Now as the bearer of bad news go back to the noblewoman and you can either tell her her son was a deserter or he was killed in battle.
Collect your reward and the quest is over.
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