Planetside 2, H1Z1, Everquest servers under DDoS attacks

By Sherif Saed

Lizard Squad, the notorious hacking group, is claiming responsibility for DDoS attacks on game servers for Planetside 2, Everquest, H1Z1, and more.


Planetside 2 and H1Z1 developer Daybreak has fallen victim to DDoS attacks on their servers. The attacks are perpetrated by Lizard Squad, and have affected the game’s websites, as well as servers players connect to.

To understand why this is happening, we’ll have to go all the way back to August of last year, when a wide-range of DDoS attacks targeted a large number of gaming servers, among the affected was Daybreak Games (then Sony Online Entertainment). Members of the same hacking group then grounded the plane company president John Smedley was on, by tweeting a bomb threat to American Airlines.

Fast forward to last week, the hacker responsible was convicted but managed to avoid jail time. Understandably, Smedley was not pleased, vowing to go after him in court. Which is more or less what sparked the attacks against his company’s servers.
