World of Warcraft expansion to be announced at gamescom next week

By Stephany Nunneley

Looks like Blizzard has a World of Warcraft expansion announcement planned for gamescom after all.

According to a post on, a new World of Warcraft expansion will be announced and livestreamed at gamescom on August 6.

The stream will kick off at 9am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK.

Folks can tune in again on Sunday, August 9 at 8am PT for a World of Warcraft developer chat before the show ends, and find out more about what’s in store.

Further details on the livestream will be posted on Blizzard’s dedicated gamescom page closer to the event.

Earlier this week it was suggested an expansion for WoW would be announced due to an invitation making the rounds.

It was also rumored the expansion would be titled “Council of Glades” due to a trademark listing.

Blizzard fans attending gamescom should head over to Hall 7 because the firm will have 500 game stations set up. Attendees will be able to get their hands on Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, Overwatch and World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.

There will also be developer signing sessions taking place throughout the event.

The annual gamescom event will take place at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany August 5-9.
