Bookstore carrying Assassin’s Creed novels knows how to sell them

By Sherif Saed

A bookstore selling Assassin’s Creed novelizations has the right idea.

Making fun of Assassin’s Creed bugs and glitches is something many of us do, sometimes more than necessary. But we play these games and so it’s natural some conversations revolve around some of their messy states.

Which is why today’s picture is funny, because it’s not a gaming site or store making it, but a bookstore. Powell’s Books a bookstore in Portland, Oregon sells novels based on Assassin’s Creed games and is promoting them the smart way.

The picture below was captured by @SarahMaywalt and i shows a shelf sign the store put up that has a sense of humour.


We doubt those are even official licensed books. Doesn’t make it any less funny though.

Thanks, Destructoid.
