Bungie outlines how quests, bounties and rewards work in Destiny: The Taken King

By Stephany Nunneley

Quests in Destiny: The Taken King were discussed in a livestream Bungie hosted today on Twitch, and as previously reported, old content has been revamped to better gel with the new content. There will also be class specific rewards handed out.


First off, there will be 32 quests players can track along with up to 16 bounties at a time using the new tab. This includes both PvE and PvP bounties.

Some of these will be new and the older ones have been updated and are quicker to finish. Each of the bounties have been designed to be completed while players are out doing whatever it is they are doing at the time. This includes items which are part of the bounty while in raids.

Players will no longer have to look around in the HUD to see each individual bounty, as they can be accessed easily at all times. Four bounties can be tracked at once in this way. Another thing which makes bounties easier is that players will no longer have to go to The Tower to turn them in: once completed they will be turned in automatically.

The Quest page will also show rewards which can be earned such as the new subclasses. Once a player completes a quest, the reward will be handed out and one is a brand new heavy weapon sword called Arc Edge.

Shaxx, the Crucible Handler, also has Legendary Ghosts with PvP-focused perks such as additional Glimmer when killing Titans. He will also be offering weekly PvP bounties that are weapon focused as early as level five. When his five weekly bounties are completed, Nightfall tier rewards will be handed out. This means there’s a chance for an Exotic drop.

Faction vendors will also have quests, so once a player earns a certain rank, these quests will be made available. Players will also be handed a Legendary as well as coins and Motes of Light. There is also a better chance at receiving more Shaders and Emblems, thanks to the packages being updated.

The livestream has ended buy you can re-watch it here.

Destiny: The Taken King launches on September 15 for PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One
