Fallout 3’s Galaxy News Radio DJ, Three Dog, is not coming back in Fallout 4.
Fallout 3 featured radio stations you could listen to through your PipBoy. One of these was Galaxy News Radio, through which DJ Three Dog was spreading the news and playing the same collection of songs over and over.
The character was played by actor Erik Todd Dellums, who, way back in 2013, teased his involvement with something Fallout. Later following up that tweet with another confirming he’s allowed to reveal that information.
Fast forward to 2015. Fallout 4 is announced and we don’t hear from the actor. Until last week, when he appeared to have been surprised to see Bethesda’s announcement of completing voice recording for Fallout 4.
Given the nature of his tweets from 2013, he could either be misleading fans to surprise them, or Bethesda has simply scrapped initial plans for including him. One of Fallout 3’s endings saw Three Dog die, too, which isn’t helping the case.
Fallout 4 is out November 10 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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