Here’s how to give Snake the biggest horn possible in MGS5

By Shabana Arif

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has a system that controls the size of Venom Snake’s horn.

Metal_Gear_Solid_5 snake horn

The demon points system dictates the size of your horn and is dependent on your actions.

As you’d imagine, the more dastardly your antics, the more demon points you earn, and the bigger that horn wedged into your skull gets.

PC gamer reported on the hidden karma system, that is split into three tiers.

As well as regular Joe Snake – as regular as a person can be with a horn stuck onto their head – there’s Horn Snake:

Horn Snake

and Demon Snake:

Demon Snake

Once you reach Demon Snake level, you’ll always be covered in blood. I don’t know how that affects your pungency levels. Maybe Ocelot is forever tossing buckets of water over you every time you check in at Mother Base.

If you want to find out more about how to get your own horn to a more impressive size, check out the guide and walkthrough.
