Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Episode 31 – Sahelanthropus

By Shabana Arif

Prevent Sahelanthropus from being deployed and take vengeance on Skull Face.

mgs 5 Sahelanthropus

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain – Sahelanthropus Mission Objectives

  • Destroy Sahelanthropus
  • Destroy Sahelanthropus’s head
  • Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack

Destroy Sahelanthropus

Sahelanthropus has a number of different attacks. It has a flaming whip that it brings down in front of it. As well as the damage from whip, watch out for the raised rock that follows in its path. It also has a machine gun, a flamethrower, missiles, and a laser attack.

When your chopper enters the fray, it’ll be targeted by the white drones that Sahelanthropus used against you in a previous fight.

You also need to watch out for the red mist that it releases.

The road loops around in a U-shape to the right of the map, and the central pillar of rock here makes for great cover. There’s also an armoured vehicle nearby with a decent arsenal of its own.

Keep hitting Sahelanthropus’ chest with RPGs, calling in supply drops at intervals, and eventually it’ll go down.

Destroy Sahelanthropus’s head

Unsurprisingly, this is done by attacking its head, although it’ll just catch on fire, rather than shooting off in a massive explosion.

The best way to do this is to wait for the reflex mode moment when the floating boy pops out and shoot a missile into Sahelanthropus’ face. You might need to do this a few times, so hold off on bringing it down until you’ve shot its head enough times to achieve this objective.

Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack

The floating boy will pop out during a reflex mode moment. Be sure to have your missile launcher reloaded and wait until he appears before shooting him.

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