Naughty Dog reveals why Golden Abyss isn’t included in The Nathan Drake Collection

By Sherif Saed

PS Vita’s only entry in the Uncharted series, Golden Abyss, was being considered by Naughty Dog for inclusion in The Nathan Drake Collection.


Uncharted: Golden Abyss is considered by many to not be a mainline entry in the series. Nevertheless, you can’t call it The Nathan Drake Collection without at least looking into including every game in the series. Which is what developer Naughty Dog did, according to community strategist Arne Meyer.

“It was definitely under consideration, because we were trying to see how we could collect all of the Uncharted games,” said Meyer during a panel at EGX 2015 last week.

“But when we went back and looked at what we were trying to do with the Nathan Drake Collection, we realised that those three games – the trilogy – actually provided a particular narrative arc that led into Uncharted 4.

“We wanted to keep that as a holistic collection for that reason, and Golden Abyss kind of lives a little bit outside of that.”

Something else removed from the collection is multiplayer, which debuted with Among Thieves and prospered in Drake’s Deception. That decision too wasn’t easy, according to Meyer.

“We were thinking about both our player population – we still have players playing Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 multiplayer, and we still haven’t shut those servers down; we don’t have a plan to do that right now – and so, we were like, did we want to affect that player population, and splinter it even more so,” he elaborated.

The Nathan Drake Collection isn’t completely missing multiplayer action though, because all copies include access to Uncharted 4’s multiplayer beta, due to start in December.

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is out October 7. If you’re going digital, you’ll need to free up some hard drive space.

Thanks, PlayStation Lifestyle.
