This Metal Gear Online video takes a look at customization, classes, Bounty Hunter mode

By Stephany Nunneley

A Metal Gear Online video has been released by Konami featuring a demo of the Bounty Hunter mode.

In this mode, players will earn Bounty Points for defeating other players. Each player starts out with revive tickets. Once all these are spent due to being killed the other player wins.

With every kill a player earns Bounty Points and these points can be turned into revive tickets by the other team when the player is killed especially when a Fulton weapon is used, such as one of the cannons.

The video also provides a look at character customization, it goes over the three classes Enforcer, Infiltrator and Scout.

Players can participate in 16-player matches on rather large maps, deal with dynamic weather patterns, try to avoid stuffed puppy traps, and other fun stuff.

Metal Gear Online is a free download with all copies of Metal Gear Solid 5 and will be released on PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on October 6.

PC players will be able to join in during January 2016.
