Track down all the Secrets of London with our borough-by-borough illustrated guide.
Perhaps the toughest challenge Assassin’s Creed Syndicate offers is tracking down the Secrets of London. Completing this challenge unlocks the Aegis, a powerful and very cool-looking outfit for Evie.
There are Secrets of London scattered throughout London. They look like small wooden boxes, highlighted white with Eagle Vision, and make a sound like a music box when you’re close enough. Interact with the box (Circle/B) to collect the key inside.
The in-game numbering is a mess, but we’ve included a reference so you can quickly find any you’re missing. If you’re after the whole lot, search for the Secrets methodically in the order presented by our guide as you clear them through – or borough by borough in whatever order you please.
We’ve provided written directions, plus a map and screenshot. Click to enlarge each image as necessary. Position your character in the same location as ours – the black marker with the Assassin symbol on it – and look around with Eagle Vision to spot the Secret nearby.
Let’s start with the first Borough you have access to, and proceed onwards in order of Borough difficulty. As of October 28, we’ve completed our collection.
Secrets of London – Whitechapel 1
Let’s start with an obvious landmark – the church of St. Mary Matefelon, south of the railway station. The Secret is sitting on a grave on the south side. Game menu reference: #26
Secrets of London – Whitechapel 2
The second Secret is slightly northeast of the first. Head along the rooftops of the buildings on the south side of the main road that runs northeast from the church. It’s on the last rooftop before an empty space with some trees. Game menu reference: #18
Secrets of London – Whitechapel 3
To find this Secret just east of the centre of Whitechapel, drop a map marker down between the two shops (that’s the £ symbol) on a nearly horizontal line. From this position you should be able to hear the Secret’s music as soon as you take a few steps to the west. Climb onto a low wall to help you spot it in this maze of alleys. It’s lying on the ground. Game menu reference: #29
Secrets of London – Whitechapel 4
The last secret in Whitechapel isn’t hard to find. Head to the northeast portion of the map and search along the south edge of the tracks until you find a wooden hut. It’s just outside. Don’t get run over by a train! Game menu reference: #22
Secrets of London – Lambeth 1
Start in the northwest corner of Lambeth. Just south of the bridge near the border, on the east side of the large road, is a lovely walled park. The Secret is on a stump on the northern border of the park, west of a statue. Game menu reference: #19
Secrets of London – Lambeth 2
Now go down to the southwest corner. Turn east along the large road at the very bottom of the map, but after you’ve pass one building on your left (north), hop over the wall (still north) to drop down to a lower area. Between this first big building and the next is a wide alley leading to water. The Secret is on a coil of rope on the east side of the alley, closer to the water than the wall. Game menu reference: #06
Secrets of London – Lambeth 3
The easiest way to find the third Lambeth Secret is to start at the northeast corner of the asylum grounds. Cross the road north to the building directly opposite; it’s on the roof, hidden from view from the ground by a low wall with a hole in it. If you stand on the roof and look south towards the asylum, you shouldn’t miss it. Game menu reference: #05
Secrets of London – Lambeth 4
The final Lambeth Secret is so easy to find, I collected it by accident before I knew what it was, and don’t have a screenshot for you! It’s on the top of the chimney which also plays host to the viewpoint (fast travel point) in the northeast corner of Lambeth. Trust me, you’ll find it; just climb up from the eagle’s perch. Game menu reference: #08
Secrets of London – The Thames 1
The river is most easily navigated by bridges. Let’s start with the east-most road bridge, travelling north from Southwark to the City of London. The Secret is on bench in a rounded rest area on your left (west) just past the halfway mark. If you’re on railway tracks, that’s the wrong bridge! Game menu reference: #21
Secrets of London – The Thames 2
Starting from the east-most road bridge where you collected the last secret, Follow the north bank of the Thames to the west. Before you reach the next set of bridges you should see one of those pier things with little buildings on it. There’s a shop here, and the Secret is on the roof of the little building. Game menu reference: #14
Secrets of London – The Thames 3
Move to the south bank of the river and look for the railway bridge (they’re green and have railway tracks on them – obviously) that spans it at the most acute angle of the bend in the river. The Secret is one a ledge on the big round support pillars closest to the south bank. It’s on the northeast side. Game menu reference: #20
Secrets of London – The Thames 4
This last one is easy to find; it’s right by the viewpoint (fast travel point) at the very south of the Borough. Search the roof of the little boat to the west of the ship with the viewpoint on its mast. Game menu reference: #03
Secrets of London – Southwark 1
Start in the very southwest corner of Southwark, where the map bulges slightly west into the Thames to accommodate a building and its docks. There’s a crane on the northwest corner of these docks, and the Secret is on a barrel sitting just behind it, on the crane’s east side. Game menu reference: #09
Secrets of London – Southwark 2
There’s a viewpoint (fast travel point) between the two big stations in Southwark. Just west of these are three shops in a triangle. From the northwest of these three shops, continue a short way west along the road and climb onto the building at the intersection. The Secret is on the roof, on a crate. Game menu reference: #12
Secrets of London – Southwark 3
Look at your map. See how the southern border of Southwark bulges north to meet a U-shaped section of raised railway track? If you start at the bottom of the U and walk northwest along its western arm, you’ll spot the secret on a scaffold attached to a building to your right (north). Game menu reference: #24
Secrets of London – Southwark 4
This one’s pretty easy; start at the viewpoint (fast travel point) in the east of Southwark. The Secret is just slightly north of it, at ground level, as you walk north east around the big round green structure. Game menu reference: #27
Secrets of London – City of London 1
As long as you have found even one Secret of London, the Reuge’s Vault symbol will appear on your map in the City of London. It’s a good landmark to use as a starting point for this one. See the shop just northeast of it? (It’s just east of the excavation site if you haven’t got the Vault icon.) The Secret is on a rooftop of one of the buildings that line the outside of the block with this shop in it; it’s the southeast one. Game menu reference: #17
Secrets of London – City of London 2
Look for the Ludgate Circus landmark on your map – you may need to zoom in a bit. It’s the large open circular area in the road just north and slightly west of the station; a roundabout without a hub in the middle. Climb the building on the southeast “corner” of the circus; it has a big sign on it reading “Cockham Merchants”. The Secret is on the flat roof at the back of the building, on the railway line side. Game menu reference: #11
Secrets of London – City of London 3
To find this one, travel to the east end of the City of London district and look for the road continuing north after crossing the Thames on a bride. The Secret is sitting on a stool outside a shop on a small intersection, on your right side (east) as you travel north. Game menu reference: #02
Secrets of London – City of London 4
Travel to the park eats of the Kenway Mansion – zoom in to find the landmark icon, or just head northeast from St Paul’s Cathedral. The Secret is on a bench close to the eastern wall of the park, about half way along and quite near the little gazebo. Game menu reference: #23
Secrets of London – The Strand 1
Start at Charing Cross Station in the south of The Strand borough; it’s the most southerly viewpoint (fast travel point). Check your map – see the triangular block of buildings just to the southwest? Head on over to it and scan the interior facades along the southern edge. The Secret is on a little balcony here. Game menu reference: #25
Secrets of London – The Strand 2
Head north from Charing Cross Station (the most southerly viewpoint in The Strand) to find the National Gallery landmark. Climb up on the roof and search the roofed structures here. Someone has a nice little hideout along the eastern facade, where you’ll find the Secret – and a cat, if you’re lucky. Game menu reference: #10
Secrets of London – The Strand 3
The next Secret is in Covent Gardens; if you can’t find the landmark marker, head north from the most easterly viewpoint (fast travel point). The building is in two big wings, and you want the southern one. Enter and go down into the lower area; the Secret is under some stairs. Game menu reference: #16
Secrets of London – The Strand 4
The last of The Strand’s secrets is just to the west of St Pancras Station – that’s the one in the north. Look for a little park and you’ll find the Secret on a table lit by a lamp, right next to a gazebo. Game menu reference: #07
Secrets of London – Westminster 1
Start in the south east corner of Westminster. There’s a parkland area just north of the most southerly-bridge. You’ll find the Secret on a bench close to the fence on the river (east) side. Game menu reference: #13
Secrets of London – Westminster 2
This one’s in Richmond House; if you can’t find the landmark marker, travel east from Buckingham Palace and it’s the last mansion before the river. The Secret is on the railing of an interior balcony on the west side. Game menu reference: 28#
Secrets of London – Westminster 3
Visit the station in the southwest corner of Westminster. Search at ground level around the houses on its northern corner; the secret is on the station side, casually resting on a table. Game menu reference: #31
Secrets of London – Westminster 4
Head west from the southern station in Westminster until you reach the most westerly block of buildings at the edge of the map. The Secret is on the roof, near a suitcase – for some reason. Game menu reference: #32
Secrets of London – Buckingham 1 (Westminster)
The next three Secrets are labelled Buckingham in the game menu, but that’s just a district of Westminster encompassing the palace and the parks nearby. The first Secret is in the northwest corner of the park. Search around the brownish paths and you’ll soon hear it tinkling away; it’s on a stump in a little grove at a sharp bend in the track. Game menu reference: #30
Secrets of London – Buckingham 2 (Westminster)
Go to the southeast corner of Buckingham palace, and cross the road to the southeast. The Secret is on a crate among the trees here. You’re in the right area of you find a haystack. It’s easier to find at night as there’s a lantern on the crate, too. Game menu reference: #04
Secrets of London – Buckingham 3 (Westminster)
The very last secret is deeper into the park. It’s not really near any landmarks, so just search the area north of the east side of the pond. You should find a hut of some kind. The Secret is on a bench outside almost always – tee hee! – between a man and his cat. Game menu reference: #01
When you’ve gathered all the Secrets return to Reuge’s Vault and go through the tedious process of inserting them; thankfully you need only do this once for each borough. Your reward is the Aegis.
The Aegis is a high-level outfit that boosts defence and cane sword damage. It has a cool glitch effect, too, and looks pretty much awesome. Well worth your trouble.
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