Second phase of Street Fighter 5 beta starts this week – all the details

By Sherif Saed

Capcom has revealed all the remaining details about the upcoming phase of the Street Fighter 5 beta.


Phase 2 of the Street Fighter 5 beta was recently dated. And today, we get to find out exact times for servers becoming available, maintenance, and more.

This phase is important for two reasons. The first is that it will provide the first opportunity for cross-platform testing between PC and PS4. It will also be a way for Capcom to test out its character delivery system.

Capcom revealed the full list of times. Note, the PC version will be starting a day earlier than previously announced.

  • 21/10/15 18:00 PST (22/10 02:00 BST/10:00 JST) – The second SFV beta begins for PS4 users. Characters available: Ken, Necalli, Vega, R. Mika
  • 22/10/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/23 06:00 JST) – Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 12 hours
  • 23/10/15 02:00 PST (10:00 BST/18:00 JST) – Servers back online. Rashid unlocked
  • 23/10/15 09:00 PST (17:00 BST/ 10/24 01:00 JST) – The second SFV beta begins for both PC and PS4 users (cross-platform play)
  • 23/10/15 17:00 PST (24/10 01:00 BST/09:00 JST) – Karin unlocked
  • 24/10/15 04:00 PST (12:00 BST/20:00 JST) – Servers down for scheduled maintenance for 10 hours
  • 24/10/15 14:00 PST (22:00 BST/ 10/25 06:00 JST) – Servers back online
  • 25/10/15 16:00 PST (26/10 0:00 BST/ 08:00 JST) – Beta 2 concludes

Ken, Necalli, Vega, and R.Mike will be the base characters, with the ones noted above unlocked during testing.
