Star Wars Battlefront: Leia, Han Solo, and Palpatine each have three powerful abilities

By Stephany Nunneley

DICE has confirmed Leia, Han, and Palpatine will be included in Star Wars: Battlefront.

In the game, Leia Organa will play a hero support role by applying buffs to team members and holding positions. Those who spawn close to her will turn into Alderaan Honor Guards.

Her offensive skill, Trooper Bane, allows her to fire off a quick shot with her blaster and it apparently “packs a real punch” if the target is hit. One blast can kill with Trooper Bane and has the ability to stun as well. She also uses the Enhanced Squad Shield ability as a defense move and works similar to the Squad Shield Power Card but is far more powerful.

It can stop some Force abilities and she can “shoot out of it with Trooper Bane active” unlike ground troopers. This move works well at the Uplink Station in Walker Assault according to DICE. Finally, Supply Drop is another one of her powers which will “drop a variety of power ups for ground troopers, or health boosts for other Hero characters.”

Han Solo is a gunslinger much like he was in the original Star Wars film. He works similar to the Rebel trooper, but he has a beefier arsenal, and he’s all about “offensive output, damage, and mobility.”

He makes use of three hero abilities: Rapid Fire, Lucky Shot and Shoulder Charge. The first is exactly as it sounds, the second allows the player to “build up and release” power which is effect against vehicles and infantry and can even break Darth Vader’s block. Shoulder Charge is also exactly as it sounds, allowing the player to pull of an offensive and defensive move to quickly get in and out of battle.

Finally, there’s Emperor Palpatine whose main attack is Force Lightning, which doles out lots of damage to troops within its reach. His power can also result in Chain Lightning which provides AoE damage. Force Dash allows him to move super fast in his current direction to get up close and personal. He also the Empire team’s support Villain in that he provides powerups for others and himself using the Imperial Resources ability.

Star Wars: Battlefront comes out on November 17 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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