Star Wars Battlefront: Millennium Falcon and Slave I are “hero vehicles”, DICE explains how

By Sherif Saed

DICE has revealed a new aspect of Fighter Squadron mode in Star Wars Battlefront.


Fighter Squadron, the Star Wars Battlefront multiplayer mode that takes place entirely in the air, is going to have its own kind of Hero pickups, except this time they’ll be iconic starships from both sides.

DICE detailed how this works in a new blog post.

Similar to how Hero pickups work in other modes, there will be tokens in the air you can grab that allow you to spawn as Hero Vehicles. These can be the Millennium Falcon or the Slave I.

“Should you spot the Millennium Falcon or Slave I as a regular starship pilot, your best bet is to stay behind them and try to team up with other players,” wrote DICE.

“Since the Rebel and Imperial standard ships are smaller than the Hero Vehicles, you can also dive against the planetary surface and use crevices to shake off Solo’s or Fett’s pursuit.”

The Slave I for instance is equipped with Ion Cannons, Proton Torpedoes and is able to jam enemy radars to fly undetected.

DICE added that it noticed a trend during playtests, and that is everyone’s desire to be the one to out Hero Vehicles.

Star Wars Battlefront is out November 17.
